. China File Encryption Service bahlahisi le bafani ba thepa |weimeitc
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Tshebeletso ya ho Encryption File

Tshebeletso ya ho Encryption File

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Re ka patala video, molumo, litšoantšo, litokomane, libaka tsa h5 static, joalo-joalo.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

* Lifomate tse tšehelitsoeng


Mp3, Mp4, Pdf, Html, Jpg, Png, Js, Css, Ppt (e tla fetoleloa ho H5), Doc&Docx (e tla fetoleloa ho Pdf), joalo-joalo.

* Phello ka mor'a encryption

1.U hloka ho sebelisa software e khethehileng e entsoeng ke k'hamphani ea rona ho bula lifaele tse patiloeng
2.After encryption, e ka fumaneha sethaleng sa tumello ea lifaele, 'me e ka sebelisoa feela ke motho e mong ka mor'a hore mongoli a e lumelle.
3.Mong'a litokelo tsa litokelo tsa faele a ka sheba tlaleho ea faele e sebelisoang

* Ts'ebetso ea ts'ebeletso

1.Through online communication tools or support@weimeitc.com Email communication requirements
2. Etsa qeto ea chelete, saena konteraka 'me u lefe
3.Complete encryption le kamohelo
4.Lintho tsa ho koala


* Theko

1.$0.1 bakeng sa litokomane tse tloaelehileng (theko e ka buisanoa)
2.$1.50 ka faele ea Ppt
3.1 USD ka selemo bakeng sa akhaonto ka 'ngoe e butsoeng sethaleng sa tumello

* Melemo ea rona

Software ea 1.The encryption le sethala sa sistimi li ntlafalitsoe ka lilemo tse ngata
2. Encrypt limilione tsa lifaele
3. Kakaretso ea tšebeliso e fetang limilione tse 10
4. Ts'ehetso ea ho hlahloba le ho beha GPS, 'me mong'a faele a ka tseba sebaka sa sebaka le nako ea tšebeliso ea faele.
5. Tšehetsa ho shejoa ha lirekoto tsa tšebeliso.Mong'a litokelo tsa litokelo tsa molao a ka sheba nako ea tšebeliso ea faele ka nako ea nnete mme a sebelisa ak'haonte
6. Taolo ea tumello e mengata, e ts'ehetsa moeli oa palo ea likhomphutha, nako ea ts'ebeliso, nako ea ts'ebeliso ntle le inthanete, le linako tsa ts'ebeliso ntle le inthanete.
7. Sethala sa taolo ea morao-rao se tšehetsa mehala ea cellular le likhomphutha, se u lumella ho laola tumello ea faele neng kapa neng, kae kapa kae.

* Pale ea Bareki

Kholiso ea Lifaele tsa Bilin Star Animation:

Bilin Star e ipabola ka ho fana ka litšebeletso bakeng sa likolo tsa mathomo le tse mahareng ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba tsona ba ho ngola.Ba hlahisitse animation ppt e tsamaellanang le mesebetsi e metle ea khale le mongolo oa tlhamo, o ratoang ke baithuti ba sekolo sa mathomo le se mahareng.Bakeng sa ho sireletsa litokelo tsa thepa ea mahlale le ho laola ka nepo boholo ba tšebeliso ea lifaele tse tsoang, Bilin Star o ile a khetha ho reka tšebeletso ea encryption ea Weimei Tiancheng.Hajoale, basebelisi ba likete ba Bilin Star ba ntse ba sebelisa lihlahisoa tse patiloeng, 'me karabo e ntle.

Encrypt the English courseware of Inxbury:

Innsbury ke mokhatlo o sebetsanang le thuto ea Senyesemane bakeng sa bana le bana ba banyenyane.Ba na le lihlopha tse 12 tsa flash animation courseware ntle le tšireletso ea lifaele.Ho thata ho lefisa habeli ka mor'a ho romela tokomane ho mosebedisi, hape ho thata ho thibela moreki ho fetisetsa tokomane ho lik'hamphani tse ling ho ama thekiso ea bona.Ho ipapisitse le mathata a kaholimo a hlokang ho rarolloa ka potlako, Inspur e khethile tšebeletso ea k'hamphani ea rona ea encryption ea faele.Re ile ra hlahlobisisa sebopeho sa faele le boemo ba Insbury mme ra etsa setaele sa encryption bakeng sa bona, se seng se sebelisitsoe.Sekema sa encryption se rarolla mathata a bareki ka katleho, 'me se ba nolofalletsa ho ntšetsa pele khoebo ka morero oa naha ntle le ho tšoenyeha ka bosholu.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona